Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Mouseover reloaded

Hi there! I'm back with another photo, just as i promised yesterday.
So let's give it a try, i've been doing a little brain storming trying to figure this out. And here it is!
My Winter Forest:

Well... OK, one more to go for today.
The sparrows:


Monday, January 17, 2011


Well... I've decided to go global now and try to post in English.
I'm learning PS and experiment different things on my photos.
I also read other people's blogs and learn a lot from there. I discovered this mouse-over thing, saw it on several blogs, and when I started processing my photos, I knew I had to have this also. So... I started digging for a tuto or something - most are java script... I found one that is very easy and here it is: my first mouseover ever!
I am so happy and so proud I was able to do this!
Roll your mouse over the PS processed image and you'll see the original photo.


Here are my red berries:

I tried to post another photo but... I don't know why this doesn't work just as I imagined. I still have things to learn! So keep coming back, I'll have newbies very often.


Monday, January 3, 2011

Ce am mai facut de sarbatori

Paaai... mi-am facut niste luminari pentru Advent
Una cu crengute de brad incorporate
si patru in culori de sarbatori

Apoi, din cutii de tabla [fost compot de piersici!]

iar asta imbracata frumos, in loc de pom
Apoi l-am si impodobit, dar nu am mai facut poze... 
Am facut o multime de prajiturele taman bune de agatat in pom dupa se se decoreaza. Din unele am facut un fel de felicitari personalizate

o parte le-am dat, iar vreo trei cutii am dus la copii sa le decoreze cu amestecatura de zahar

Le-am pregatit mai multe culori in pungute. Am crezut ca vor decora prajiturelele, le vor lasa sa se usuce, si o sa le puna in pom. Dar vai!!! cum decorau una - si nu asa, pe ici pe colo, ci complet - cind era gata, o si mincau!!! Fetitei mai mici am crezut ca o sa i se faca rau, atitea a mincat. Si lingea pungile, si degetele... Pentru mine a fost un fisasco, pentru copii a fost un deliciu. La anul le fac altceva, am terminat-o cu prajiturelele! Mi se face rau doar cind mi-aduc aminte cit dulce au putut sa infulece.
Iar mie, mie, mie - mi-am facut prajiturele cu piper!!! Sprituite cu ciocolata! Un DELICIU!
Un deliciu pentru mine, ca altii nu prea le-au savurat. Nu-i nimic, am mincat eu. Si m-am ingrasat. Acu am promis ca macar o luna nu fac dulciuri.



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