Friday, September 20, 2013

Fall Is Here!

Yes, Fall is here...
But no sadness. Because I just love Fall! It is my favorite season.

Here is a flower from my garden /don't know what it's called/ and a sunflower in the background. I textured this with one of my own "texture", an old, weathered board.
And here you have the original picture:

See ya! And enjoy Fall!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

PS layers and textures

Weeds can be beautiful! Some have amazing colors and intricate textures.

Enjoy this one - I took this photo while on vacation at Frumoasa, Romania.

Frumoasa = The Beautiful

See ya!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Phototshop is my favorite

Hi there!
I just popped in to post a picture, one of my favorites.
The original photo is not so spectacular, but I just love the result I obtained in Photoshop.
I like the texture and I love the hint of blue on the right.

Come closer, I'm gonna tell ya a secret: I'm not sure I could do this again!
I definitely have to name my layers when I work in Photoshop.

see ya!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

OOB - Out Of Bounds

Have I told you that I'm like a child? I want everything I see!
The last interesting thing I saw was OOB, that is out of bounds photos made in Photoshop. And of course I had to give this a try, too.
So here it is, my first... well, actually second try on this PS effect:
[my first was a real success, too. but it was a kind of family photo, and as you might have noticed, I don't make a habit of posting faces/portraits/people.]
I love this little fellow! Took this picture last year. Some two years ago we had many little leaf frogs in our garden. Then, I don't know what happened and the following year I only saw 2 or 3... So sad... I miss them.

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Other Me...

Well, here is the other me... a little bit deviant...
We went for a hike last week and... well... I found a cow!
It was not a living one, just the... you know... bones.
Here are two pictures of it. I used the vintage frames from The CoffeeShop Blog, go over there and you will find tons of tutorials, free stuff like frames, PS actions, storyboards and lot more.

Ha-ha! Do you know what these are??? The teeth! I like their shape, all those lines and curves and circles.

I took home some teeth and the two horns! I don't have a picture of the horns yet, they are out in the garden, on two poles. I would like to do something with them, don't really know what, maybe try carving or something.

Have a nice week!

See ya!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

HAPPY 2013!

Well, this is 2013! I spent the last day of the last year out in the nature. We went for a hike and I just want to share some "postcards", snapshots I took.
The lake was frozen and frost was everywhere on the trees, leaves, berries. It was just fairy!
And here is my new cover photo on Facebook:

Have a great 2013!

See ya!


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